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Story about《I was a Special Forces 2 Jagged ambition / 我是特种兵2之铁血雄心》
    0 Year Chinese TV < I was a Special Forces 2 Jagged ambition / 我是特种兵2之铁血雄心 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Chen Jie Shen Junyi Sun Wei Cheng Sang Hu Gao Wei /

    Public Security Border Defense anti-drug drama " Jagged Dreams" to "carry forward the tradition, firm belief , law enforcement people, the practice of military core values ​​" theme , public security border forces of international cooperation in combating transnational drug trafficking from major material, the State Council, Central Military Commission awarded the honorary title of the Drug Enforcement Pioneer station , Yunnan Public Security Border Defense Corps wood Kanggong An checkpoint prototype tells the story of public security and border defense officers and men in the anti-drug people's war , Yong pioneer .

    border posts

    Rueicheng young officer Wu Yuxiang , belonging to the rich second generation of the popular , originally a soldiers do not want to become a general , began to mature in the process of investigating a drug murder . Target suspects Li Xiaoxiao Thai Chinese , due to misunderstanding by the Chinese police , she refused to cooperate with the police chose to flee rather .

    With the deepening of Investigation , Wu Yuxiang experienced the test of blood and fire , and from the body of the investigation section chief Liu Youjun , he saw a member of the Communist Party , a glorious image of the new era of Chinese soldiers .

    Liu Youjun the painstaking cultivation , Wu Yuxiang himself the passage of green uniform with a new understanding , he finally got rid of a loss to find a faith , firm conviction , to become an excellent border armed police . While Li Xiaoxiao Wu Yuxiang the bull by the horns and selfless spirit of sacrifice , moved and re- understanding of the Chinese border armed police .

    case was finally cracked in this process , the Chinese military's honor and dedication to be the perfect heritage .

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