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Story about《Million Dollar Crocodile / million giant Pulp Fiction / 百万巨鳄/百万巨鳄追缉令》
    0 Year Documentary movie < Million Dollar Crocodile / million giant Pulp Fiction / 百万巨鳄/百万巨鳄追缉令 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Barbie / Guo Tao / Lam Suet / Dan Zhaoqi / Pu Pakistan A / Fang Qingzhuo / Wang Jinsong / Li Qin Qin / Ding Jia force /

    Amauri is the nickname of one to eight meters long and weighing two tons of crocodile .

    The crocodile park bald in

    Liu ( Shi Zhaoqi decorated ) no money to buy meat , crocodile Amauri sold . I did not expect to buy Amauri is open crocodile restaurant Zhao mouth ( Suet ornaments ) . The restaurant chef cut killed Amauri before it , get rid of the rope . It ran !

    The eight -meter-long crocodile in

    run .

    Amauri fled to the tea plantations, and has just been a boyfriend ( Pu Pakistan A decorated ) fly out of Wen Yan ( large S ornaments ) territories . The hungry crocodile Amauri eaten Wen Yan carry bag . The purse did it eat meat filled with Wen Yan eight shoes she saved hundreds of thousands of euros in Italy , but her life Boyd .

    The abjection

    absence Wen Yan to the local police station , it wanted to , is responsible for handling the case is most do not fly in the history of the police - are not allowed ( decorated with Guo Tao ) More unexpected is the son of the king are not allowed to Wang star ( Dingjia force , ornaments ) even crocodile or a close friend .

    raising crocodiles eat crocodile , caught crocodiles crocodile Amauri melee a :

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