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鲨鱼侵袭.DVD英语中字$ftp://dy:[email protected]:30491/[迅雷下载]鲨鱼侵袭.DVD英语中字.rmvb
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Story about《Jersey Shore Shark Attack / 鲨鱼侵袭》
    2012 Year Action movie < Jersey Shore Shark Attack / 鲨鱼侵袭 >
    Director:John Shepphird /
    Stars:Jack Scalia / Jeremy Luke / Joey Russo / Daniel Booko / Melissa Molinaro / Alex Mauriello / Audi Resendez / Tony Sirico / Grant Harvey / Dylan Vox / Ben Giroux / Gabrielle Christian / William Atherton / Paul Sorvino / Leigh Rachel Faith /
    Storyline: Many year ago, hundreds of locals and tourists were massacred by giant man-eating sharks in the infamous 1916 Jerey Shore attacks. But that's just a legend... or is it? It's a holiday weekend on the Jerey Shore and, unbeknownt to anyone, underwater drills have attracted dozen of albino bull sharks to the pier. When a man goes missing, TC (The Complication), Nookie and friends fear the wort and plead with the police chief to close down the beach. It isn't until a famous singer is eaten alive during a performance on the pier that the shark hunt begin. Now, the Preppies must work together with the Guidos in order to save the Jerey Shore and its inhabitants from another vicious slaughter.
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