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Story about《Level 7 レベル7 / Miyabe Miyuki four weeks of continuous suspense SPLEVEL7 / 宮部みゆき・4週連続 “極上”ミステリー 最終夜 / 宫部美雪4周连续悬疑SPLEVEL7》
    2012 Year Japan and Korean TV < Level 7 レベル7 / Miyabe Miyuki four weeks of continuous suspense SPLEVEL7 / 宮部みゆき・4週連続 “極上”ミステリー 最終夜 / 宫部美雪4周连续悬疑SPLEVEL7 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Hiroshi Tamaki / apricot / Takimoto woven / Ihara Takashi /
    Storyline:The first night : ( the pupil Sunrise @ YYeTs everyone Subtitle group original translation reproduced please indicate the source ) a winter . Found the body of a young man falls to die in a high rise apartment community located in Arakawa . The man was judged to fall from the upper floors beyond recognition , can not be identified . Investigate legitimate arrived on the scene shortage Kawakita Department Interpol Yoshida Duff ( Terao Akira ornaments ) , in the apartment when asked , but found in the 2025 room of a middle-aged men and women and an elderly woman was the brutal murder of body. Four body suddenly appeared in the quiet apartment for granted that a person live in the 2025 Room . However , their age, gender , and recorded on the account of this is completely different, the survey reached an impasse . Four people who they are is why the victim in the apartment ..... ? Naoki reward winning , Miyabe Miyuki 's masterpiece is one of the true masterpieces of reasoning
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