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Story about《Captured soldiers / 俘虏兵》
    2012 Year Chinese TV < Captured soldiers / 俘虏兵 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Sun Xun Zhang Hui the / Jiang Jing / peak / Sun Pengbin /
    Storyline:In 1945 , the KMT army compete for the Shandong plain County . Guojun 45 Brigade platoon leader Chengshan and soldier bald Ga , Cao root of the Eighth Route Army 36 groups captured , 45 Brigade Liao Gaoxuan to send special forces team to rescue Chengshan unsuccessful . Japan surrendered to Cao root , bald Ga is willing to truly become the Eighth Route Army , but still want to go back to the KMT forces . 36 groups to the northeast embarked Chengshan , bald ga slip away and rescued the couple to save will be the main Renzhang Ying . Liao Gaoxuan 45 Division took over Sinuiju , in the Chengshan also rescued the seriously injured the head of king of the north wind . 36 groups was upgraded as a teacher , the king of the north wind to bring in to the 15th Division stationed Guojun the Fucheng trouble to assist the troops won the North along the city , Fucheng People's Liberation Army took over at their own personal experience of the new education "captured soldiers . The Wang northerly to Liaogao Xuan ZhaoJiang the , the Liao Gaoxuan men the Chu Muyun Rebellion . King of the north wind was ordered to attack the Sinuiju , into the city want to rescue Liao Gaoxuan Chu Muyun kill Liao Gaoxuan , blow up the bunker , Sinuiju overcome . Chengshan representative of a group of captured soldiers in the battle of the liberation of the northeast to become a real revolutionary fighters .....
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