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Story about《THE FOUR / 少年四大名捕》
    2007 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < THE FOUR / 少年四大名捕 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Ron Ng Raymond / Kenneth Ma / Sammul Chan /
    Storyline:Northern Song Dynasty , corrupt officials , banditry , chaos rule of law , people living in dire poverty . Who God catch Secretary command of Zhuge is my view of this , expect to be able to regain the the Lawman Division accordance with the law , justice , to rectify the law is regrettable that a traitor CAI power , resulting in the Zhuge difficult by the Tsung Emperor reuse for many years The court idle , depressed and frustrated .
    As Chaotingmingguan Shu play has been hoping to help solve the Friends Zhuge is re-opened Lawman Division , and therefore repeated to Huizong referrals relatively isolated , Zhuge , but since repeatedly tried to no avail . After the appointment until Zhuge received Huizong depart the border of the Great Song and Dali gifts of the swords to the King of Qi Zhao Chang , coincidental detection of a serial homicide , won the appreciation of the King of Qi the Huizong until finally noticed the talent of Mr. Zhuge .
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