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Story about《Comprehensive Pulp Fiction / 全面追缉令》
    2011 Year Action movie < Comprehensive Pulp Fiction / 全面追缉令 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Morgan Freeman / Monica Potter / Michael Wincott /
    Storyline: Washington a noble high school , a congressman 's daughter even in broad daylight, was kidnapped , a senior police detective Alex Klose (Morgan Freeman ) to take over this difficult case , at the same time , the original is responsible for protecting Members daughter safe young female agent Jay Ji Fu Laining root ( Monica Potter ) is dereliction of duty for its own effect chagrin , Jackie volunteered to requests for assistance from Alex to investigate , in order to compensate for this error . After a series of investigation , the experienced Alex infer that this is not solely the kidnap it before in the city comic girls kidnapping inextricably associated , it should be the same criminals . all the clues gradually point to a person - this person called Gary Suoni Ji ( Michael Winterbottom Curt ) , he was suffering from severe schizophrenia but at the same IQ extraordinary is exceptionally dangerous criminals . Alex experience seasoned experienced and knowledgeable , but unknowingly caught numerous criminals planted maze , a little bit goes by , Alex can finally see through the tricks of Gary , timely Members daughter and other kidnapped girl rescued ? Face of such a clever perverted perpetrators , young Jackie courage to regain confidence .
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