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Story about《The Good Doctor / 好医生/一个好医生/凶心仁术》
    2011 Year Story movie < The Good Doctor / 好医生/一个好医生/凶心仁术 >
    Director:Lance Daly /
    Stars:Orlando Bloom / Riley Keough / Taraji P. Henon / Rob Morrow / Michael Peña / Troy Garity / Molly Price / Wade Williams / Sorel Carradine / Gary Carlos Cervantes / Monique Gabriela Curnen / Jean St. James / Jason Axinn / Kenneth Mark Bhan / Michelle Cates /

    A young doctor goes to unconcionable extremes in order to remain in the service of a female patient with a kidney disorder.
    Dr. Martin Blake, who has spent his life looking for respect, meets an 18-year-old patient named Diane, suffering from a kidney infection, and gets a much-needed boost of self-esteem. However, when her health starts improving, Martin fear losing her, so he begin tampering with her treatment, keeping Diane sick and in the hospital right next to him.

    Martin BAK ( Orlando Breen ornaments ) is an ambitious young doctor, but anxious . During hospitalization, Martin is eager to leave a good impression - the chief resident Waylon ( Robert decorated Mount Road ) , successful and confident interns Adam ( Troy Gray mention ornaments ) and character in front of your boss and colleagues the stuffy nurse Teresa ( decoration) Tyra Ji Hansen . But things development is not smooth , Martin could not escape his uneasy eighteen patients Dai ​​Anni Johnson ( decorated) Riley Keough admitted to hospital due to kidney infection and Martin was arranged for her attending doctor . Diane 's trust in him to regain the confidence of the long-awaited . He enjoyed to take care of her , and began to have feelings for her . However, his enthusiasm has become persistent. When Diane 's condition gradually improving , Martin , because of fear of losing her to her drug sly , so she had to accompany him back to the hospital . Member of the health care share of the United States ( Michael He take the ornaments ) found that Diane 's diary , and more in order to blackmail Martin , made ​​the excitatory effects of prescription drugs , things get out of hand ... This movie is about a Hitchcock suspense story. Orlando Bloom plays a doctor setbacks , in order to save a life have been diagnosed as suffering from kidney disease patients , unauthorized tampering with the story of this patient treatment program . The film is Orlando Bloom 's first self-financed independent film shot .

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