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Comedy Sad Fairy Tale / 伤心童话Video Download url:
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Story about《Sad Fairy Tale / 伤心童话》
    2012 Year Comedy movie < Sad Fairy Tale / 伤心童话 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Shi the / Hu Xia / big left / Xie Nan /
    Storyline:the film and television companies administrative assistant Patrick ( Shi, ornaments ) , recently got strange diseases , often fainting , coma , and after you wake up , claim to be crossed . Crush on her the company's programmers Wang ( Wu Xia ornaments ) decided that this period dreams come true for Patrick - Patrick 's preferences , dreams , planning a " Republic of neat business cafe " 3062 visited Patrick former residence the three initiatives , " Patrick idol grand wedding ceremony " , to be Patrick syncope just wake up the occasion by "crossing " in the name of each implementation , and let Patrick believe everything is true .
    One of the king 's action was not successful, the twists and turns , and danger, in addition to do the spending on these things difficult to lead to the bankrupt and non-professional operations and emergencies brought it away from rival Yin Zhe ( large left decoration) and struggling to obstruct , laid bare, the king of a make every effort to difficulties battle of wits , the result was unexpected . 
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