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Story about《French Kiss / 法兰西之吻》
    1995 Year Love movie < French Kiss / 法兰西之吻 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Meg ? Ryan / Kevin ? Klein / Timothy ? Hutton /
    Storyline: Kate and her fiancé Charlie has been a very good relationship , and romance to the already stable , time fiance , Charlie went to Paris on business , to France , but faithless . Is to figure out is how to win back the feelings of love , despite her suffering from a fear of flying , decided to personally take a trip in France .
    On the plane , she met a French man Luc . This person seems a bit mysterious , Kate seems to have felt Luc seems to use their own ; Luc while listening to the troubles of Kate in this use , and eager to help her retrieve her fiance , two experienced a over the French romantic adventure ...
    Director will be on the story of the cultural differences between the United States and France to start because the inspiration of the script from one year studying the experience of the author in France , they used the camera lens with the audience to enjoy the scenery of France , understanding where culture is not blind romantic, but diversified .
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