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Comedy Nanny McPhee / 魔法保姆麦克菲Video Download url:
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Story about《Nanny McPhee / 魔法保姆麦克菲》
    2005 Year Comedy movie < Nanny McPhee / 魔法保姆麦克菲 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Emma Thompson / Colin Firth / Kelly Macdonald / Thomas Sangster / Eliza Bennett / Angela Lanesborough / Imelda Swan Taunton /
    Storyline:This full of black myth fable film , Thompson played one looks a bit scary and has a magic women , she entered the home just died of his wife , Mr. Brown played by Feith , and try to uniforms Brown 7 very slapstick children against tube .
    Among these children , a boy named Simon , played by Thomas Sanger Lancaster , he had driven away the previous 17 home employed nanny , he also firmly believe that will be able to get rid of the " Thompson " , but played with the Thompson the maid McPhee began to control the family , these children aware of their extreme actions will soon have to make the results of their own fear .
    McPhee 's influence is also gradually expanded to some of the problems of the family's deeper , including Brown suddenly plans to find a wife for no reason , like the dictates of his aunt , played by Angela Lance Bristol Edailaide announced that she they wanted to adopt a child, as well as female maid played by Kelly Macdonald Stewart Everett JI Lin also began to make some amazing move .
    Behavior began to change with the behavior of children , McPhee looks and body began to change , and children and Mr. Brown started to like her magical stranger , so a series of questions followed .
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