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Story about《Growth (2012) / 成长(2012)》
    2012 Year Chinese TV < Growth (2012) / 成长(2012) >
    Director: /
    Stars:Meng / Song Chunli Guo Xiaodong / Yong /
    Storyline:The story begins in 1986 a military family. The 18-year-old Peng Fei is an upcoming high school seniors facing the entrance. Father Peng Xiangjiang, an airborne force's chief of staff. His heart flutter in the army, long-term work outside the home. Gave up their careers in order to support the work of her husband, Peng Fei elite out of the mother Tian Haiyun bent Gu, becoming a full-time housewives. Peng Fei grew up in a military family with a strong personality, confident strong relationship with the loving mother very well, but the father, the kind of irresistible imperative tone, strict and harsh discipline of militarization, and Peng Fei stubborn rebellious, contradictions, incompatible with the father and son. In order to get rid of his father's shadow, but also in order to prove himself to his father, outstanding academic achievement Peng Fei gave up the Tsinghua University Beijing, resolutely took part in the Air Force cadet, leave their families to enter the military academy, has since embarked on a from a teenager to soldier, from the soldiers to pilot such a rough and difficult road of growth. In the pre-school, Peng Fei became acquainted with like-minded companions and stringent and almost cold-blooded instructors. Yet to become so passionate and legendary pilot road is far from imaginary. Peng Fei passionate young and this class is to meet the near-destruction of the body temper near-torture psychological test, and the ruthless elimination. Experienced one after another hardships, the students around a have been eliminated to leave, Peng Fei on its own strength and perseverance to reach the end. Pre-school life for Peng Fei full baptism of the time from the physical to the spiritual. Final instructors help him to overcome his own obstacles, successfully graduated from the pre-school to enter the aviation school, and eventually become a glorious military transport aircraft pilot, began his military career. At a time when romantic love is not of to a smart and beautiful girl Ann leaves appear in the life of the Peng Fei. An Ye graduated from the Department of NPC News is a newspaper reporter. 24-year-old, she was soon Peng Fei valiant pilot image of dumping, to come out from the Military Academy in Peng Fei is also the first time to savor the sweetness of love. Romantic and sentimental, her love silly but persistent, he staged the scene of exciting people smile beautiful love story. The two people in love quickly entered the marriage hall. Peng Fei special work, married life safety leaves soon realized that the pilot's love soul-stirring, and the pilot's marriage is far from relaxing. Peng Fei forces more busy work, the burden of family pressure in the security leaves one person. Safety leaves, facing the road faced by a few decades ago Tian Haiyun: staying at home for a full-time housewives, in order to wholeheartedly army husband taking care of babies and the elderly, at the same time to give up the expense of their own careers and pursuit. <- The end of the film introduces code ->
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