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Action The Prestige / 死亡魔法 / 魔高一丈 / 魔道争锋 / 致命魔术/顶尖对决Video Download url:
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Story about《The Prestige / 死亡魔法 / 魔高一丈 / 魔道争锋 / 致命魔术/顶尖对决》
    2006 Year Action movie < The Prestige / 死亡魔法 / 魔高一丈 / 魔道争锋 / 致命魔术/顶尖对决 >
    Director:Christopher Nolan /
    Stars:Hugh Jackman / Christian Bale / Michael Caine / Piper Perabo / Rebecca Hall / Scarlett Johanon / Samantha Mahurin / David Bowie / Andy Serkis / Daniel Davis / Jim Piddock / Christopher Neame / Mark Ryan / Roger Rees / Jamie Harris /

    The rivalry between two magician is exacerbated when one of them performs the ultimate illusion.
    In the end of the Nineteenth Century, in London, Robert Angier, his beloved wife Julia McCullough and Alfred Borden are friends and assistants of a magician. When Julia accidentally dies during a performance, Robert blames Alfred for her death and they become enemies. Both become famous and rival magician, sabotaging the performance of the other on the stage. When Alfred performs a successful trick, Robert becomes obsessed trying to disclose the secret of his competitor with tragic conequences.

    Late 19th century London, it has not yet been more profound scientific understanding of modern civilization . Magician in this occupation in this be called an international metropolis with high status . In particular , the aristocratic magician Robert Angel ( Hugh Jackman ) is one of the industry 's representative . His peers , Alfred Burden ( Christian Bale ) , the net worth and the former noble , but also accounted for a place with a good ability to line . In fact, the Angel and Burdon small friends , because they are both very intelligent , both obsessed with the magic show and each has different strengths and skills . But everything, including fame and fortune all kinds of grown up movie download reality , getting one pair of friends to the hostility on both sides . Became a peer in the red-eye enemy . To be able to become the most popular in the city of London famous Victorian music hall magician , Angel launched a long and arduous battle between the same Burdon . Their side to strengthen their skills , while at the exchange undercover , to inquire into each other's bottom line , and then to expose or destroy . Naturally somewhat paranoid the Burdon good a way to make the audience the incredible places at once , he was able to freely cross the two closed containers , this tactic was Angel 's hardcore audience almost attracted over . Angel natural to be outdone, the order to be able to defeat Burdon began to turn to scientists nun pull Tesla ( David Bowie ) , he invented some strange performance props including a short distance through time and space machine ......

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