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Story about《Micro-blog master / 微博达人》
    2012 Year Chinese TV < Micro-blog master / 微博达人 >
    Director:Lan Zhiwei /
    Stars:Sammul Chan / Sihan Chen / / Ray Lui / Chapter age of / Chen Mei line / Jin-Ming Li / Tao Huimin / Leung Ka Yan /
    Storyline:city the business war teleplays micro-Bardon , starring Sammul Chan , Ray Lui , is about high hopes for the IT sector, Nova Hanzi Jing and Ouyang too fall in love with a beautiful white-collar Chu Ruolin , for Chu Ruolin two joined V occurred a series of stories . the Hanzi Jing and Ouyang over to record the wisdom of the ages invented the most popular microblogging network platform . The success of the cause they boarded the peak of life , but also suffered a crisis never . Star the nest Network president Zheng Albert 's dogged , helpless and chaotic feelings between the temptation of Vanity Fair , and Churuo Lin , two people further and further away . However , a sudden car accident changed everything, Han Zijing amnesia during finally understood the true meaning of life . Restore memory after Han Zijing crazy revenge, but the mother show Yao leukemia , has forced a dusty 20 years past surfaced . The face of family, friendship, love, and the face of the foreign consortium mergers and acquisitions , internal competition , Hanzi Jing and Ouyang over how to choose ? Face of the test of humanity and morality , the disputes over the fate of a few people , staged scenes of both good and bad in life tragicomedy
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