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War Head in the Clouds / 战火情天 / 翻云覆雨三人情 / 英法情人 / 胡思乱想 / 乱世三人行 / 巴黎烟云Video Download url:
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Story about《Head in the Clouds / 战火情天 / 翻云覆雨三人情 / 英法情人 / 胡思乱想 / 乱世三人行 / 巴黎烟云》
    2011 Year War movie < Head in the Clouds / 战火情天 / 翻云覆雨三人情 / 英法情人 / 胡思乱想 / 乱世三人行 / 巴黎烟云 >
    Director:John Duigan /
    Stars:Charlize Theron / Penelope Cruz / Stuart Townsend / Thomas Kleshuman /
    Storyline:In 1934, University of Cambridge of St John's college, a rainy night, Gaye of 20 years old ( Stuart Townsend decoration ) is devote oneself heart and soul to learn, suddenly " bang " to bang the door open, a beautiful woman hurried into the classroom. Gaye had never seen such a beautiful woman, she is the half-breed Gilda ( Charlize Theron decoration ), in order to avoid entanglement will rush in.
    Just left his working-class family in Cambridge, Gaye thought that the life will not have a fundamental change, however, as the noble Gilda broke into his life, a period of rapid and passionate love begin. Although they are in different grades, have different values, but love must be like hunger and thirst to. They went to Paris, where Gilda has an apartment, two people enjoy the sweet love and fashionable life.
    Soon after the outbreak of the Second World War, the two lovers eventually because of each other on the current disagreement parting. Gaye can no longer see fascist aggression in Europe, he decided to join the army fighting in Spain, Gilda 's closest friend Mia (Peneloppe Cruz decoration ) are also interested. Their blood did not change the outcome of the war, Mia finally died on the battlefield. Shortly after Gaye returned to Britain, completely lost the confidence of life. He was the letter to Gilda, still wholly intact on the mantelpiece.
    The Nazis began to occupied Paris oppressive, Gaye has now become an anti-war intelligence officer, he returned to Paris and local resistance to prevent contact. In a very occasional chance, he found has been unable to forget her, but her side and a German officer ( Thomas Kotzman decoration ), two people then will become enemies. Other as ever, Gilda looks only to care about his own existence.
    Later however Gaye about what happened and began to be very much puzzled by the Nazis, give dying kicks last time, Gilda in an ambush to save him. Now, Gilda became the prime suspect, ready to be killed, Gaye must fight for time to rescue her ... ...
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