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Story about《HANA-BI / Fireworks / 花火》
    0 Year Story movie < HANA-BI / Fireworks / 花火 >
    Director:Takeshi Kitano /
    Stars:Takeshi Kitano / Kayoko Kishimoto / Ren Ohsugi / Susumu Terajima / Kanji Tsuda /
    Storyline:West is a detective , and my heart is still shrouded in shadow of son unfortunately died a few years ago , now has reached the late wife suffering from leukemia . Just talk to him in the hospital and the doctor , and his doctor advised him to pick his wife to go home , he got the news said Horibe , his friend and team of colleagues , They track long recidivist wounded seriously. The Horibe injury is not caused by the West , just because it was extremely perilous situation , they have been difficult to deal with due to . Horibe now only wheelchair . West usury upsets anxiety , they force him to pay off debts . The West would like to comfort his wife had just returned home , want dependent Tanaka widow . The young died in a metaphor to explore Tanaka ambushes . West has been Tanaka 's death he is responsible . He also sought to close Horibe . Horibe injured after abandoned by his wife and daughter , lived alone at the beach . It all makes the West feel exhausted . West decided to leave the police station , to accompany his wife to do the last trip , trying to put everything to be settled . He bought from the hands of an old car dealers - stolen taxi converted into a police car die Cheung and Chuanshangjingfu , then go to a bank robbery . Succeeded, he also debts to a loan shark debts , to come up with a part of the money to the widow of the Tanaka , and mailed a packet of pigments , brushes , canvas , and an artist 's pen wash to Horibe . Horibe has long wanted to paint , but no money to buy these appliances . All fully completed , follow the gang violence groups and police friends , he and his wife to go to the snow country , after going to the beach , set foot there is no way back travel .
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