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Story about《Milk / 米尔克》
    2008 Year Story movie < Milk / 米尔克 >
    Director:Gus Van Sant /
    Stars:Sean Pam / Josh Brolin / James Franco / Diego Luna / Emil Huskey / Alison Pierre /
    Storyline:The His life changed history , and his courage changed lives . Harvey Milk, a gay political activist legendary . The film is the first feature film for its colorful life .

    Mielke spent the previous 40 years of his life in New York . Buhuozhinian after , he began to be more serious , positive towards life , looking for the meaning of life . To this end, he and his boyfriend Sikao Teshimisi moved to San Francisco. Where together they launched a small company , and then began to get involved in the political arena , Mielke unexpected . Relying on the humor of his conversation , easygoing demeanor and a great affinity for body language , he has won a large number of followers . And in 1977 was elected to the San Francisco County Council officials . This is the first time in the history of the United States by the election of an openly gay identity politicians came to power . Since then, he has been committed to the unity of the nation as well as human rights - not just gay rights - maintenance . Soon after , however , Mielke and his political allies - Mayor George Moscow grace conservatives Dan Huaite assassinated . The tragic events awakened the local gay , so they strongly reflect on and respond to fight for their own rights and interests .

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