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Science fiction The Day the Earth Stood Still / 地球停转之日 / 当地球停止转动Video Download url:
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Story about《The Day the Earth Stood Still / 地球停转之日 / 当地球停止转动》
    2008 Year Science fiction movie < The Day the Earth Stood Still / 地球停转之日 / 当地球停止转动 >
    Director:Scott Derrickson /
    Stars:Keanu Reeves / Jennifer Connelly / Kathy Bates / Jaden Smith / John Cleese / Jon Hamm / Kyle Chandler / Robert Knepper / James Hong / John Rothman / Sunita Prasad / Juan Riedinger / Sam Gilroy / Tanya Champoux / Rukiya Bernard /
    Storyline:A remake of the 1951 classic sci-fi film about an alien visitor and his giant robot counterpart who visit Earth.
    Dr. Helen Benon is summoned to a military facility with several other scientists when an alien spacecraft of sorts arrives in New York City. Aboard is a human-like alien and a giant robot of immene size and power. The alien identifies himself as Klaatu and says he has come to save the Earth. The US military and political authorities see him as a threat however and decide to use so-called intenive interrogation techniques on him but Dr. Benon decides to facilitate his escape. When she learn exactly what he mean when he says he is there to save the Earth, she tries to convince him to change his intention.
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