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Story about《Let fly housewife / Potiche / 让师奶飞》
    2011 Year Comedy movie < Let fly housewife / Potiche / 让师奶飞 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Gerald · Depa Di about / Catherine Deneuve / Jeremy Ray is /
    Storyline:1977 , Robert is a French made ​​Umbrella boss rich but business is very demanding , workers dissatisfied with the strike from unreasonable management system , Robert reluctantly , only Tuiweirangxian factories temporarily handed over to his wife, Suzanne management , go on vacation the cultivation of body and mind . Surprised to wait until the time he got back , usually obey orders from the wife , became a successful and effective manager , she not only with the assistance of trade unions end strike of workers and improve working conditions and remuneration , Robert can whether to accept the changes brought about by the wife to the plant ? Everything will return to the past ? The story takes place in a bourgeois provinces of France in 1977 . An umbrella factory boss Hou one hundred charge · Bi (Robert Pujol ) has always been operating plant with an iron fist policy , the final cause of employee dissatisfaction day to commence the strike action , and forced Hou one hundred charge under the stage . . In this connection, has been the husband submissive proprietress Su Na ( Suzanne ) , Tibet instead of her husband became the plant 's top-level officials began rectifying factory , Hou one hundred charge due to the pressures and under movie download best body away out . Surprisingly , the Su the Tibet Na act decisively competence, so that representatives of communism with the help of the workers to stop the strike, back on the job and to improve the working environment of workers . The Hou one hundred charge the end of travel , physically and mentally strong to return to the home , making the situation is again complicated
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