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Story about《Dao Jianlei / 刀剑泪》
    2012 Year Chinese TV < Dao Jianlei / 刀剑泪 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhao Liying / Qiji / Dong Han / week / Guo Dongdong / Song Yi /
    Storyline:Sue phantom son travel south from Fort, proud and rushed to the rescue . Stone without a trace and slightly sell people engage in meet yamen catchs a head beam jade, inadvertently peep broken the sheriff was woman, no trace and others save phantom son chic go, before leaving to leave the order of jade dragon pool, do not want to, the visiting card as soon came in handy. The beam Funai local magistrate, because once in upright boss Zhu Bingjin, framed lethal . Jade revenge must not, also becomes a wanted man, had to carry a blood feud escape, after a dangerous seek refuge in long castle under the door. Eccentric wizard Su phantom with jade havoc in their building, flagrant " liberties" Qing Guan Qin girl autumn frolic, and both fell, but fortunately no trace cover dielectric firefighters, were saved phantom son autumn. After the phantom, and no trace of an awkward, be Mowgli taken away, there's a dielectric and autumn's first, let the ignorant young heart adorable love. No trace of their building things out of jade, jade deeply wronged weak. Don't think this scene was similar in jade magic, causing no trace of the wireless love music. Between two people begin to breed a strange affair.
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