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Japan Korean Aibô season11 / 相棒第十一季Video Download url:
相棒第十一季EP01$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20547/[迅雷下载]相棒第十一季EP01.rmvb
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Story about《Aibô season11 / 相棒第十一季》
    2012 Year Japan and Korean TV < Aibô season11 / 相棒第十一季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yutaka Mizutani / Hiroki Narimiya /
    Storyline:Hong Kong hotel room. Just became a detective in the police desire Nakane Toru Kai Metropolitan Police Department (Narimiya Hiroki), the spring out of bed in the gunshot of one shot. I had remembered the nightmarish reality. Toru spends a voice as bright as something to shake off (St fly true) Etsuko lover while enjoying the magnificent views from the windows, dozing in bed.
    However, Etsuko when they fall asleep again, bitter memory of last night came back again ... Toru.
    Last night, the wife of (Akira at Dan) Kohinata-Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong, Toru attended a dinner at the residence of the Consul General at the invitation of (Chikako Kaku) Amy. In such a gorgeous seat was a Toru should no relation at all, now (Jundai Yamada) Nezu government security measures diplomatic mission is Toru's son (Koji Ishizaka) Mine fall to Amy at senior police deputy director Kai He was has it been invited to dine in that it has the rose that it is. For Toru to dislike to wear to the majesty of the Father bulk of discord, was a situation you want to avoid the most, I can not even afford to go to crush the face of Nezu. Time was spent rather like the needle Consul General and Mrs. Kohinata, Vice Consul and his wife and Mitsui et al (Masahiro Kobayashi) reluctantly.
    The dinner is over, and have fun with men, such as cigars, gunshots rang out from the collection from one of Kohinata room. Fall (not flower Yamazaki) is dyed in fresh blood in the chest Mitsui wife Erica, in that room, beside the Amy has stood hand in a gun is a collection of a whopping Kohinata. The gun went off Apparently, deprived the life of Erica.
    (Yutaka Mizutani) Ukyo Sugishita had stopped by on my way home from London to Hong Kong around that. You're like a tourist with money.
    Ukyo would meet and enjoy in Hong Kong that by some freak coincidence.
    Do you encounter any of the world?
    Ukyo is what we will do in case Curran outbursts at the residence of the consul or even?
    Buddy, finally dawn of the new season!
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