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Story about《Ping Tiangui capable / 能人冯天贵》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Ping Tiangui capable / 能人冯天贵 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Pan Changjiang /
    Storyline: an urban comedy about the " genius " Ping Tiangui help , the wife of a group of migrant workers in the city hard work , twists and turns , and ultimately to the city people favoring the course of struggle . A chance , Feng Tiangui met migrant workers the Tan Youde the wife Chen Xiuzhi , allowing him greater the gap between and his wife had discordant marriage . However, after a series of twists and turns , misunderstandings between the two , after all , resolved. And under in Fengtian Gui go-between , the daughter-in-law of the migrant workers of their hard work and sincerity , gradually became the urban community service a 亮丽风景线`
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