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Story about《The Unbeatables 3 / 双天至尊 第三部》
    2003 Year Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV < The Unbeatables 3 / 双天至尊 第三部 >
    Director:Xie Yiwen /
    Stars:Zheng Huiyu / Li Nanxing / Li Shanshan /

    In the modern high-tech cooperation of magic gambling packaging, insert the scene of fierce gunfight explosion motion picture, the plot than the first two " the Unbeatables " more exciting, exciting. Separated by many years, bet on Chinese myths to new heights! Coral Island superstars bet the guards, married again, fulfilled the fate of the curse, draw life entanglement difficult scores. In addition to the marriage of two people subjected to third tests, and Wu inverse planet and enemies collusion, led to Yan Fei's couple faces death ... ... Since the king leaves for words fly defeats, fly decided to withdraw from all corners of the country. With his wife Luo Qifang and son of the planet, leaving Coral Island this altar is a bet of. I get the opposite of what one wants, Los the Fang suddenly in a casino bizarre case, was sentenced to life in prison, prisoners in the Coral Island to the south, a remote island prison. Since then, a pair of bet the altar that affectionate lover, separate again. It was then physiognomist words, two people managed to combine, will life be dogged by bad luck, poly far. Words and wife apart, as they like, only visiting period can be met. Words fly every time in a canoe, risking billow, in all weathers to the island to visit the Fang, the affectionate one day may share certificate. After ten years, words fly into Coral Island great philanthropist, he actively participate in public welfare undertakings, and repair the road, serving the people. Words fly not only to the casino 's 90% annual earnings to the government, and his commands, his casino is Coral Island residents real entertainment, featuring small bet for, where to gamble the guests not to lose money. There the words fly this legend, praise for " joy charity rounders ". ... ...

    Separated by many years, bet on Chinese myths to new heights!
    Coral Island superstars bet the guards, married again, fulfilled the fate of the curse, draw life entanglement difficult scores. In addition to the marriage of two people subjected to third tests, and Wu inverse planet and enemies collusion, led to Yan Fei's couple faces death ...

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