Index » Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV » Now Playing Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV Duay Rang Athitarn / ด้วยแรงอธิษฐาน / 时光的魔咒
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Story about《Duay Rang Athitarn / ด้วยแรงอธิษฐาน / 时光的魔咒》
    2010 Year Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV < Duay Rang Athitarn / ด้วยแรงอธิษฐาน / 时光的魔咒 >
    Director:Odd Theerasuk Promngern /
    Stars:Weir / Pancake /
    Storyline:Pan and Weir are neighbors and they like each other , often private tryst . One night they meet to meet Pan, arrive early and he was immediately attacked the head , Pan, fainted and was locked in the basement . Attacks is the Pan half sister , but also secretly in love with Weir. Pan 's sister, she locked up and intend over the day let her go . But Weir's sister , lied when she said she would arrange to put Pan, Pan, has deliberately been imprisonment . Pan eventually starve to death in that basement , before she died , she hopes her next life with a strong force rather than as they are now so weak , so as revenge against those who hurt her . Weir is her last day to see Pan he always believed that to harm her . Weir's sister to lie and say that Pan with others on foot , so people no longer find her at the same time Pan 's sister died in a car accident and did not tell the truth . Pan reincarnated into another family when she was born to be given a certain strength , a sense of manipulation of the strength of the movement of objects . She was the reincarnation of revenge Weir and his sister , she also found her half- sister reincarnations became Weir's dumb sister . . . .
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