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Story about《Dong-Huachun Barbershop / 东华春理发厅》
    2012 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Dong-Huachun Barbershop / 东华春理发厅 >
    Director:Cai Dongwen /
    Stars:Liu Zhihan / Li Zhizheng / Figaro Ceng / Yang Yazhu / Lee down /

    "Dong-Huachun Barbershop" TV drama about the fate of two different and, because the barber shop and meet, this should be a constant conflict of two people, under the common memory interaction, and have an opportunity to reconcile with the world, the only family and their reconciliation, and reconciliation. Household bar " and " there are only fourteen paintings, but always thought he was an orphan and I, shed the most tears in this life I last saw Abba, is to go round Hill Zoo Road, that day is my birthday of ten years old, after that, I never saw him again, just because he did not return home. A ten years old child know hate, just full of doubt: Abba is obviously be left with nothing whatsoever to leave home, but how many of the things I like. Doubt is like a needle, in my mind constantly prodded at, painful itch. For the past twenty years, I am still operate Abba left to the barber shop, day in and day out, until that day. This day is very ordinary, but also very different, because, I received a gift from my dad before dying ... ... One of the old barber shop, to have never met, confront each other with daggers, but her brother and sister, and a parole, the story of a murderer. Donghua spring, the warm winter this year the barber shop, just open the door, waiting for you to come ... ...

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