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Story about《踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE / Bayside Shakedown 3: full mobilization / 跳跃大搜查线3:全面动员》
    2011 Year Action movie < 踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE / Bayside Shakedown 3: full mobilization / 跳跃大搜查线3:全面动员 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhitianyuer / Fukatsu Eri / Zhongshan Yusuke / Ito Atsushi /
    Storyline:from the Gulf Coast Department area occur adventures serial murder has passed seven years , the Odaiba generation has undergone tremendous changes . Not only used by foreign dignitaries Japan airports in the vicinity , and there high-speed roads , substations and other basic urban facilities , the Odaiba became vulnerable to terrorist attack targets .
    In order to facilitate the prevention , the Department of the Gulf Coast plans to move into the installation of advanced security systems new building . The person in charge of the relocation of affairs is the promotion the Qingdao officers of Department of forcibly committing a criminal class long .

    distance of the new Department of the Gulf Coast officially opened Department left for three days, Qingdao led men Natsumi , and the waiting people juggle for the relocation of the things . Are too busy enjoying themselves when the spate of a few from the major area . First, the safe was looted , the public bus hostage , then intensified , Qingdao, small pansy service revolver was stolen from the Police Station , and then the continuous killings .

    Metropolitan Police Department sent in the Bay Safety Department set up a special searching Division , Qingdao and top management sent his assistant, Officer Niaosi to investigate the murder , but have no idea . More and more worse, the police stations are actually occupied by criminals !

    second day of the new police station opened Department ceremony this point has cropped up so unprecedented in big trouble . Qingdao and other area police were able to rescue the trapped persons , to arrest the suspect ? !

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