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Story about《Fry's Planet Word / 语言星球》
    2012 Year Documentary movie < Fry's Planet Word / 语言星球 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Stephen Fry /
    Storyline:In this documentary, Stephen Fry will lead us to explore how to learn the language, how to write, why sometimes find it difficult to express ... ... 1) Babel in the first episode, Stephen reveals the origins of human language and why we are the only one to have language species, by teaching orangutans, will speak human language gene into the PSP and other descriptions of experimental brain and language contact between the unique Identity; 2) we speak the language shows our character, and even reflect the class difference. At the same time, Stephen also explores the globalization of English be a trend which cannot be halted reason; 3) Uses and Abuses in the use of language in the process, often mixed with curses and some bad words. Stephen had a MRI scan revealed us a part of the brain is associated with profanity, Tourette syndrome and stroke patients cannot say dirty words; 4) Spreading the World writing let knowledge preservation and transfer to be performed, fourth concentration of Stephen will introduce letters of the origin and evolution of 5 ); The Power and The Glory story is the expression of human emotion, the way to communicate with each other. With the writer's exchange, Stephen will tell us how to write more fascinating story.
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