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Story about《Actors / 戏王之王》
    2009 Year Comedy movie < Actors / 戏王之王 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Charlene Choi / the Chim / Anthony Wong /
    Storyline: undercover police to infiltrate the gang the acting stinks be detected , were killed . Deputy Commissioner of Police ( Ann Hui ornaments ) that need excellent acting of the undercover police force , the order, Starsky most of performing successive years of award-winning performances of Police annual dinner , Tony Chen ( Jim Chim ornaments ), was entrusted task, sent into the performing arts academy in the implementation of acting training . Love acting Wen-long , concealing dating for seven years, his girlfriend Judy ( Michelle Ye decorative ) , stationed in a private performing arts school education acting undercover identity . Wenlong excited that can demonstrate their skills and play to their excellent acting Unexpectedly, an admission has become the "bad acting " demonstration lose confidence . His ordinary appearance , body type is not prominent and can not compete with a bunch of young attractive men and women . And Wenlong with the focus of slot- porn stars Shan Dan (Charlene Choi) , with 34D , 24,34 measurements , it quickly became the male students , students immediately to the bookstore to buy Sin album back to school to obtain her signature . Shan Dan does not mind the vision of the students one by one to meet the requirements of each male students . She hopes to study acting to become the ideal of a great actor . Wen-lung is the only single- colored eyes to see Dan students, two of tune with each other , and soon became good friends . The boss Jizhao Wenlong involved in the action of one gang transaction each other very smart , better acting skills to be competent . Transactions and danger, and Wenlong eventually penetrated to Credit goes to the students to come to the rescue to get out . Man Long ab initio total loss of confidence on their own acting , was going back to school drop-out case of hiding in college cleaners " hidden world master " ( decorated with Anthony Wong ) , think in experience Dabeitaixi , can occur acting major breakthrough . Acting must come from life, and finally return to life . Wenlong insight from the life of the general public , acting by leaps and bounds . The end of the semester , the dragon back to the work of the Police Force to become the best teacher of a new generation of undercover agents acting classes .
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