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Story about《性窃听》
    2014 Year Adult movie,sex movie,Self timer video online watc < 性窃听 >
    Director:Jim Wynorski /
    Stars:Brandon Ruckdashel / Chad Rhodes / Christine Nguyen / Frankie Cullen / Kylee Nash / Sammie Spades / Sarah Hunter /
    Storyline:A doctor tries to prove an unknown creature materializes inside human bodies during sex--by romping with her charges until she can capture it.
    At the start of our beloved movie, Lucy (Sammie Spades) is getting her head banged off. It turns out that Dr. Anderson (Christine Nguyen) is doing an experiment and trying to capture a "bug" that comes out during sexual intercourse. She believes that by studying this "bug" that she will be able to cure various sexual issues.

    SEXIPEDE! is another movie that was produced for Showtime by the great Jim Wynorski. Most will probably know him for CHOPPING MALL but he has been turning out countless "B" pictures for decades now and there's no doubt that he's one of the most entertaining directors out there. If you go through his filmmography you will see countless sexploitation pictures and I'm willing to bet everything that I own that his are the best and most entertaining ones out there.
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