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Story about《People in the arena / 人在江湖》
    2007 Year Action movie < People in the arena / 人在江湖 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Julian Cheung / Mandy Chiang / Eric Cheung / Monie Tung /
    Storyline: 31st Hong Kong International Film Festival Hong Kong Film Panorama " finalists " in the shadows " killer A seven back. In before , A Qisha to six people. Coming back this time , he wanted to kill a person, this person happens to be his patricide enemy . A seven no thought of revenge, because the age of seven , he had to see to make the rivers and lakes of the bloodiest , most ruthless killing . He knows also accepted , rivers and lakes there is no moral, only to betrayal and betrayal , murder is the career on which he feeds . Job out , he went to Taiwan to seek refuge with a friend of trouble , hooked on betel nut girl . However , unresolved job touch the door to ... Herman this gang killer new , straight to the point , bold , theme techniques might be outdated , but it can everywhere tells killer A seven loneliness and sadness . Exciting tidbits 31st Hong Kong International Film Festival in full swing, the two finalists movie " dangerous man " and " in the shadows" was held on March 31 premiere . " In the arena director Herman Yau , actor Julian Cheung and Monie Tung and " dangerous man " director Billy Chung , actress Luo Liwei , etc. attended the press conference. And Julian Cheung same Yan Fu was undoubtedly the actor Monie Tung , she is the "man in the arena only one actress , talking about his passion hang out with the sportsman Shawn , she has regretted that he had been too stupid , I do not know sent away others , and made somewhat awkward . Julian Cheung trip to Taiwan to film in the shadows " him an insight into Taiwan Yin Xin , actress glamorous :" She played in the film, the betel nut beauties , wearing only a bra , I found her body really well, let my heart beat quickly . can not look people in the arena "Most of the shooting in freshwater , he used to take the MRT to walk in the hotel and the studio , there are several people recognized that he was surprised the eye of the Taiwanese : " I wearing a cap , mask , so that also recognize , is really very powerful . "
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