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Story about《Mr. Vampire Saga Four / Mr. Vampire 4 / 僵尸叔叔》
    0 Year Horror movie < Mr. Vampire Saga Four / Mr. Vampire 4 / 僵尸叔叔 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Wu Ma / Kar Lok Chin / Loretta Lee / Wah Yuen / Wang Yuhuan / you Chen /

    due to the different characters become lovers . A royal death, the corpse poisoned by the monks and priests neighbors . Escorted by the Prince and Master to Beijing for the emperor pro autopsy . The way a lightning night , dead bodies due to the lightning into a zombie and killed and injured several people on the spot , the prince and the attendants are lucky enough to flee the scene , priests house for help . The priests and monks and the two disciples to leave a careful strain, because the prince has been in the dead poison . Both rushed to the incident , all were killed caught dead but not dead , the original congregation corpse has all into zombies , so they Lian Manggan home , together with the two disciples eliminate all the zombies . But that night , the dead sperm , four were in a dead sperm war .

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