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Story about《96 ° C coffee / 96°C 咖啡》
    2013 Year Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV < 96 ° C coffee / 96°C 咖啡 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Tay Ping Hui / Tong Bingyu / Chen Jiongjiang / Cai Qihui / Chen Romeo / Fang Weijie / Chen Xinqi /

    Lijoe and Xi Jie this loving couple running a coffee shop in the city of Singapore, 96 degrees C cafe. That morning, and Xi Jie lijoe as usual to the coffee shop to shop matters, Xi Jie Jing becomes aware he forgot to bring home the tiramisu shop lijoe originally to accompany Xi Jie, get back to, but independent of the Xi Jie to stay in the store lijoe went back alone. A second time in the past, Xi Jie hasn't come back, then the lijoe received Xi Jie notice telephone traffic accident, lijoe anxious did not boiling coffee arrived at the hospital. Lijoe to the hospital, the doctor told Li Qiao Xijie now the situation is very critical, tonight is the critical period, anxious lijoe prayer night sleepless. The next day, Xi Jie miracles like better, doctors and nurses also surprised Xi Jie amazing healing, the doctor told Li Qiao Xijie can rest home.
    But after recovery Xi Jie was a changed man, opposite Joe indifferent attitude, also don't love to go out, not even to two people jointly operated by 96 degrees C cafe. But the lijoe think one day, time will heal Xi Jie after a car accident sequelae, and he can do now is to accompany with waiting.

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