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Story about《A Moment of Romance of the dream / 天若有情之追梦人》
    1990 Year Action movie < A Moment of Romance of the dream / 天若有情之追梦人 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Andy / Ng Man Tat / Tommy Wong /
    Storyline: The story is a triad of young Andy (Andy Lau) and a wealthy Miss Jojo ( Jacklyn Wu ornaments ) The tragic love story . Andy was the illegitimate son of the dancer , mother committed suicide for love , to throw him in the raising of a group of dancers , so Andy since childhood, then mixed with triads , but his brother and friends are humane . One day , Andy for Big Brother to go for another group of triad ( leader Tommy Wong decoration) of the robbery action collusion, kidnapped in the chaos Jojo was being held hostage . After the escape , Tommy Wong , who intent to kill Jojo silenced , Andy lives to ensure that Jojo will not betray them . He later use motor with Jojo leave and run away with the car burned . Police Jojo 's handbag left at the scene to find her, asking her to recognize people and Jojo did not confess them . But the police have intelligence, know Andy participation bitter there is no evidence . Tommy Wong a group of suspicious Jojo alarm, thus , Andy offending a Heibailiangdao of . Another contact , Andy and Jojo gradually seduces get along so well . Regrettable Jojo 's parents return from abroad , know that blocking , and to send Jojo went abroad to study . Andy is to avoid Jojo , Jojo also catch up with Macau to Macau grandfather at , where they spent the most happy and carefree days in the life . But the good mother of Jojo's report Andy abduction of girls , forced to Andy and Jojo return to Hong Kong . At this point, Tommy Wong a group of Andy 's brother 's struggle increasingly fierce , Tommy Wong intention to remove them , then set Banquet , Andy 's brother laid down his life to protect Andy , but the tragic death . Andy determined to take revenge for the brother , before leaving to look for Jojo . The night Jojo being the mother custody to the airport under the cover of the nanny , Jojo and Andy ran together . They smashed the window of a bridal salon , and put on dresses and tuxedos , and to the church . Jojo kneeling down to pray , Andy Speed ​​to find Tommy Wong revenge . The Jojo hear the sound of a motor to lift the wedding all the way to chase . Andy Tommy Wong die .
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