Index » Japan and Korean TV » Now Playing Japan and Korean TV The End of the World / 세계의 끝 / 世界的尽头
Japan Korean The End of the World / 세계의 끝 / 世界的尽头Video Download url:
世界的尽头EP01$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20856/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP01.rmvb
世界的尽头EP02$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20858/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP02.rmvb
世界的尽头EP03$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20870/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP03.rmvb
世界的尽头EP04$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20871/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP04.rmvb
世界的尽头EP05$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41537/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP05.rmvb
世界的尽头EP06$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20886/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP06.rmvb
世界的尽头EP07$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20897/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP07.rmvb
世界的尽头EP08$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41545/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP08.rmvb
世界的尽头EP09$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20942/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP09.rmvb
世界的尽头EP10$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20942/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP10.rmvb
世界的尽头EP11$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20942/[迅雷下载]世界的尽头EP11.rmvb
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Story about《The End of the World / 세계의 끝 / 世界的尽头》
    2013 Year Japan and Korean TV < The End of the World / 세계의 끝 / 世界的尽头 >
    Director:An Pan-Seok /
    Stars:Yoon Je Moon / Jang Kyung Ah / Jang Hyun Sung /

    This is a drama about a unknown mysterious disease spreads.

    Kang Joo Heon (Yoon Je Moon) is the chief of epidemiological investigation at the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He loses his beloved to the new virus and attempts to find a critical clue through reverse tracing.

    Una enfermedad misteriosa se propaga. Kang Joo-Heon (Yoon Je-Moon) de el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, intentas encontrar una pista crítica a través de rastreo inverso.

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