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Story about《Heaven humanitarian / Chrysanthemum / 天道人道/菊子》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Heaven humanitarian / Chrysanthemum / 天道人道/菊子 >
    Director: /
    Stars:odd channel / Wang Yajie / Han Qing / Hou days / Zhao Lingqi /
    Storyline: early Republican era, from poor women Chrysanthemum sold thousands of Wheelock grain line the money box at home to do a wife. Chrysanthemum do not want to marry a mentally handicapped young master of wealth, get married on the way jumping suicide, bearers treasure gained saved. Chrysanthemum much bullying in the money box at home, but the care of the neighborhood treasure gained, both then students love OK Qin Jin.
    The little son of wealth could not have children with daisy-room, the money box decided to leave the Chrysanthemum and the treasure gained, "The Outsiders" for continuation of incense, the heart is the desire of ill, set a trap, they catch the treasure gained. The treasure gained by the son-in-law of gold teeth in the money box shot and killed "falling off a cliff. Chrysanthemum distraught. However, in order to love her and treasure gained crystallization dependent adult, she decided to bite the bullet and continue to live in the money box home.


    money box He is incompetent and sister-in-law of treasure gained the blacksmith's wife) (Zhu Feng Jiao fornication, birth child. He incompetent son substitution with Chrysanthemum. Since then, the son of the Chrysanthemum and the treasure gained the "lock" to live in poor blacksmith home, He is incompetent and Feng Jiao's son "ingot" born to a wealthy money box at home. Time flies, time flies. Lock, gold, and gold teeth and the Golden Bough's daughter Jade leaves, are grown up. Taiping town landlords, bandits and the ravages of the KMT has been never at peace. Until the arrival of the Japanese devils, Taiping Town, more loss of life, people living in the nightmare.

    ingot students who come back to doing nothing, the big gold teeth temptation to do the translation of the Japanese cast aside by the villagers. Lock has embarked on a road of the revolution, became the underground staff in my party. The Chrysanthemum own filial son, helpless, powerless in the face of the money box and he incompetent instigation on the ingot. At this time, Chrysanthemum by bandits robbed the mountains, but found that the bandit was actually dead for decades lovers child, the two finally meet again.

    Japanese rampant in the town. Chrysanthemum on the road of revolution under the leadership of the underground Luzi Feng end. Persuade her treasure gained with my party cooperation to fight the Japanese invaders, treasure gained because of a misunderstanding land relationship of teacher and Chrysanthemum, and finally embarked on the road with the people hostile, seeking refuge with the enemy, but also a large gold teeth of the enemy and own company , and daughter-in-law with the big gold teeth, War and Peace. Treasure cub shot and killed the Luzi Feng, Chrysanthemum distraught, completely break with the treasure gained.

    treasure gained last found himself bullions, gold teeth, the use of sad remorse. Angry shouting: "Give me back my innocence! You my woman! Also my son! You also I hope the good old days of a lifetime!" Knife. Killed the the ingot. In order to make up for their sins. The treasure cub lied To Zhaqiao the forced Chrysanthemum shot and killed himself. The Chrysanthemum treasure gained, lock, a person finally in the dying moments of the treasure gained recognize.

    Ultimately, landlords, bandits and the Japanese devils, and the KMT finally the ranks of the people defeated the Taiping Town, the sky Yunkai falls, Taiping town of the people all rejoiced, and the people lived a good life. End

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