Index » Japan and Korean TV » Now Playing Japan and Korean TV TAKE FIVE / TAKE FIVE〜俺たちは愛を盗めるか〜 / TAKE FIVE ~我们能盗取爱吗~
Japan Korean TAKE FIVE / TAKE FIVE〜俺たちは愛を盗めるか〜 / TAKE FIVE ~我们能盗取爱吗~Video Download url:
TAKE.FIVE-EP01$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41571/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP01.rmvb
TAKE.FIVE-EP02$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41571/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP02.rmvb
TAKE.FIVE-EP03$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41571/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP03.rmvb
TAKE.FIVE-EP04$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41579/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP04.rmvb
TAKE.FIVE-EP05$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41586/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP05.rmvb
TAKE.FIVE-EP06$ftp://ds:[email protected]:20994/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP06.rmvb
TAKE.FIVE-EP07$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41600/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP07.rmvb
TAKE.FIVE-EP08$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41607/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP08.rmvb
TAKE.FIVE-EP09$ftp://tv:[email protected]:41614/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP09.rmvb
TAKE.FIVE-EP10$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21047/[迅雷下载]TAKE.FIVE-EP10.rmvb
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Story about《TAKE FIVE / TAKE FIVE〜俺たちは愛を盗めるか〜 / TAKE FIVE ~我们能盗取爱吗~》
    2013 Year Japan and Korean TV < TAKE FIVE / TAKE FIVE〜俺たちは愛を盗めるか〜 / TAKE FIVE ~我们能盗取爱吗~ >
    Director:Shingo Okamoto / Ryutaro Kawashima /
    Stars:Toshiaki Karasawa / Yasuko Matsuyuki / Tori Matsuzaka / Seiji Rokkaku / Jingi Irie / Yudai Chiba / Ayano Fukuda / Yuka Eda / Shinnosuke Abe / Taro Suruga /

    20 years ago, Masayoshi (Toshiaki Karasawa) was a member of a heist group named "TAKE FIVE". His father was also in the group. Now, Masayoshi lives an ordinary and honest life, working as a college psychology professor. One day, he receives a picture of a Leonardo da Vinci painting from a mysterious homeless woman. The women tells Masayoshi that the painting is stored in the security warehouse of Toto Bank. She seems aware of Masayoshi's past as a thief.

    Masayoshi curious whether the painting is really stored at Toto Bank, gathers 5 colleagues and reforms "TAKE FIVE". The group decides to work under the policy that they will only steal highly valuable items from evil people.

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