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Story about《陪审团第二季》
    2019 Year Comedy movie < 陪审团第二季 >
    Director:迈克尔·奥佛尔 /
    Stars:朱丽·沃特斯 / 罗杰·阿拉姆 / Martha Fairlie / 阿拉斯泰尔·斯图尔特 /
    Storyline:Based on the book from Eduardo Sacheri "The Night of the Heroic Losers" (Alfaguara Novel Prize 2016). In a far-flung town in the province of Buenos Aires, many things are about to die out. During the economic crisis that led to the traumatic bank freeze of 2001, a group of men decides to gather the amount of money necessary to acquire some abandoned silos on an agro-industrial property. But even before they can carry out the project, a scam makes them hit rock bottom and react in the face of injustice. Now it's about robbing the thief. This novel narrates the story of a well-deserved collective revenge carried out during a legendary night that will never be forgotten.
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