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Story about《Crazy Holmes ' s birthday banquet death knell / 侠侣探案之寿筵丧钟》
    2007 Year Action movie < Crazy Holmes ' s birthday banquet death knell / 侠侣探案之寿筵丧钟 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Gu Zhi Xin / Tao / adopted child / Fu Heng /
    movie description , Stuart empty , Shen Xiaoyu Tomb Sweeping the way, Lu Yu heavy rain , trapped in an ancient temple . That night one of Buddha inside the temple collapsed , revealing a skeleton . Li Xiaowei got the news , to seek magistrate County Deputy came to the temple to help solve the case . Bizarre to repair monasteries Luo foreman subsequently was killed . Guard the monastery Jueming monk hidden, the Luo foreman of the apprentice Chen Song mystery had been killed . Who is the murderer ? Wan County Deputy and Li Jiaowei think Jueming monks killed off the foreman , who murderer Stuart empty to think that the murderer someone else, awful murder is fact , and the skeletons in the Buddha . Murderers County Deputy finally surfaced , he reluctantly say the secret buried years of ...
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