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Story about《SMS January chase / 短信一月追》
    2005 Year Love movie < SMS January chase / 短信一月追 >
    Director: /
    Stars:of Leo / Renquan / Nie / Angela / Tong Dawei /
    Storyline: Fu Jia employees of the pizza hut one day he received a study in the United States a friend Tan strong sent video tapes, said to own a terminal illness and when to see this tape , he has died . No matter how concealed , 30 days after his beloved girlfriend snow Wei will know the bad news , Tan strong hope that the endowed good to try to forget him, and start a new life in a time of 30 days , the snow Wei .
    This is an impossible task , but Fu Jia did not reject the reason . He has been to replace the the the Tan strong in the United States as escorts , he did not have the heart to the snow Wei suffered any blow . He selected this online Lover David to complete this mission .
    David is a typical God's darling . Before he grew up, and accidentally got a legacy . As he himself said , if not asking too much of his life do not work . Moreover, every morning at 12 o'clock to get up, eat two hours , drinking coffee two hours , trimming the hair two hours , two hours for dinner , but also turned down most of the party, where he still have time to work ah . He drove fancy cars , wandering in the city girls dream Lover , waiting for a dating numerous girls .
    The Game of Life by David soon found that he was hopelessly in love with this girl . But he can be more than a person fall in love with snow Wei . Embarked on a romantic match between he and his client Fu Jia .
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