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Story about《Extreme Kung Fu Mahjong / 至尊雀圣》
    2007 Year Action movie < Extreme Kung Fu Mahjong / 至尊雀圣 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Nicky / Ruby / Stephanie / chair /
    Storyline: gambling altar duel than Du Shu , fighting the thousands of patients , who is the real winner ?

    Contemporary Fate blood man, the roots of anger !

    Superb , ever-changing , the outcome of days given ? Still able to lead ?

    Gathered in Las Vegas, Macau , the master of the country is the world's gambling forum . Here the experts gathered in a variety of thousands of patients one after another. A

    Qi is the generation of Macao 's new upper " Winner " . The Dushu set of Tips to make him invincible Xiongbayifang once missing the Washington Federal Bank was

    U.S. electric board of the theft when they appeared again in Macau , a U.S. gamblers at the tables to come up with a piece of electrical panels , aroused the Macau underworld

    The challenge around suddenly dark , bloody . Last bet on the altar Council decided to secretly convened a World Dushu Competition, the winner will get this

    Block panels in order to enable Macao to restore the calm of the past , Archie decided to race and won the panels to the police . But I do not know , they have embarked on

    The one not owned by this road ...
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