Index » Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV » Now Playing Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV Evening Glow / Sunset Glory/ Tawan Yor Saeng / 落日余晖(国语) / 落日余晖
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Story about《Evening Glow / Sunset Glory/ Tawan Yor Saeng / 落日余晖(国语) / 落日余晖》
    2010 Year Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV < Evening Glow / Sunset Glory/ Tawan Yor Saeng / 落日余晖(国语) / 落日余晖 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Vee Veraparb Suparbpaiboon the / Ka Manni · Yeah America is willing to Khemanit Jamikorn / Guzbel Chawanop Pohprasert /
    Storyline:Played three roles in the play Pancake Duang the Pon ( the heroine 's mother ) , Tawan / Yor Saeng ( Actress) . Do not confuse Yor Saeng Tawan is the same person . ‘ Tawan Yor Saeng ’ drama about the mystery of life experience , the heroine did not know that he is the beloved daughter of the wealthy . Pancake first Duang the Pon ( the heroine 's mother) identity , a beautiful young lady with the son of a wealthy household falling in love , she was pregnant with his flesh and blood , but died giving birth daughter Tawan . The Tawan do not know the true identity of the biological mother and wealthy father to grow up , she was adopted by a woman , and take for granted that she is his biological mother , the stepmother often disguised as a man . When the stepmother because self-defense manslaughter stepfather , stepmother instructed her to hide . Her true identity and began to slowly expand , she found a father . Looks just like her mother , her father knew her identity .
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