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Story about《Bug Me / 虫不知》
    2005 Year Comedy movie < Bug Me / 虫不知 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Isabella Leong / Zhou Bingqing / Zhou Yujie / Chen Bo Lin / Xu bowl bottles / Kenny Kwan / Steven Cheung / Candy Lo / Lawrence Cheng /
    Storyline: group of young people , all of them pregnant with all kinds of supernatural powers . Girls know how to communicate with insects Satsuki skilled in the plateau of the mountain boxing , glamorous salsa child understand flying technique , and preserve their youthful aunt , to sense by touch things past and the future of small intellectual , clairvoyant , salted egg amazing jumping ability Fatty , telepathy and read the power of triclosan and Bingqing , there are brave single small beetle Ge squeak " . However , a masterpiece of catastrophe , all super-powers can not seem to reverse the mess . We do not know, the world 's most magical energy , love and courage of each potential .
    Satsuki crush than the plateau of her teens , to dare to dare for the " Ge squeak non-stop to encourage Satsuki plateau displays of affection, like Satsuki demonstration of love the motto : " To create a miracle , we must take the initiative ! "small to understand , direct courtship of her insects close to the plateau , like a behavior out of control , of course, was the refusal of the plateau , angry Satsuki actually hurt the small beetle .
    " Ge squeak insect friends did not think human behavior is too complex, and decided that from then missing . Satsuki can not hear the language of the insects , the life in the city all but disappeared overnight ! A few days later, the air of the city began to foul, and the birds no reason to starve to death , the earth began to dim ... At this time, she knew that all the insects to hide , and refused to cooperate with nature , the nature of the food chain to be cut off because the plant is also sympathy for the insects, but refuse to absorb the waste gas to produce oxygen !
    The aunt called all the Super Junior , the use of his own specialty , small insects recovered in the dark city . Work together against the crisis-ridden people of the dark city , in the nick between , Satsuki rescued injured Ge squeak " and moved all the insects and plants , human beings finally forgiven the people to restore the city 's life .
    It turned out that the world's most magical energy , it is hidden in human hearts , love, and justice ...
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