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Story about《Bloody battle in the end / 血战到底》
    2006 Year Comedy movie < Bloody battle in the end / 血战到底 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Francis Ng / Static / Liu Yiwei /
    Storyline: Wu Yuchuan (played by Hong Kong actor Francis Ng) is an auto repair workers, because of impotence, with his wife Lai Ling (Mainland new school actress beam Jing plays) relationship to the brink of collapse. One day, he meets a fortune teller Liu (played) continent with host Liu Yiwei Liu told him to doom.
    Wu Yuchuan first car accident hit Allison (idol actress in Hong Kong should adopt children played), own twist to the neck; (Hong Kong gold as played by actor Paul Chun) and then he helped the boss Qin Longsheng modified car smuggling, but also careless car bomb exploded under the Qin Yin Zhibin (the continent with presenters Wei played) constantly forced him to pay back the money; Then he suspected his wife affair. hit Wu Yuchuan began to believe that Liu's , under the guidance of Liu's, he finds all this because he hit villain mischief, he must be in addition to villain.
    Who is the Wu Yuchuan around the villain, cowardly, he can really kill it.
    Behind the Scenes Comments:
    The bloody battle in the end "is a modern urban movie is full of black humor, but the new generation directors WHEAT and did not let the plot of the story is easy to understand. The general direction of a walk between dream and reality, the two-stage guess, but the actual
    An imaginative means of expression is true or otherwise the contents together. For such a fresh attempt, the director the WHEAT told reporters, when he shot to the most is how to shoot a fun movie, and the other is not important.
    In this combination of suspense, black humor, situation comedy, the movie does not make sense, very familiar guest actor in the film to achieve a breakthrough. The famous TV host Liu Yiwei into a blind Fortune, Black Nan "that mouth" that Wei turned into a triad messenger, more friendship starred in a back gun traffickers, coupled for the first time the sexy star in the Static, really no less so that these actors suffer.
    That Wei told reporters that the shooting of the film is a very scary experience, filming of the movie for me is an action film, I entered three times, basically every time I go up to a beating, table tennis ping-pong tennis beat. OK, not your thing, go back and then a few days and then called up to let you suffer no beating. "and shot Francis Ng kill his scene, leaving fat that Viagra suffer quite a lot. Light wok he broke Sa, and the two of us is completely true to play really run, I chase my daughter-in-law did not run so fast. "
    The film starred Francis Ng Lai-ling, wife of Static, is a bold speech on sleep play, "into the first day of the first scene, is sleep, play, took several hours, of course, NG dozens can be the director was not satisfied, and later he also got me a lot of French films, let me find the feeling, from that which really made me have a big head. "
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