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European American Franklin & Bash Season 3 / 小律师大作为第三季 / 双簧事务所Video Download url:
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Story about《Franklin & Bash Season 3 / 小律师大作为第三季 / 双簧事务所》
    2013 Year European American TV < Franklin & Bash Season 3 / 小律师大作为第三季 / 双簧事务所 >
    Director:Jason Ensler / Andrew Fleming / Steve Robin / Elizabeth Allen /
    Stars:Chasty Ballesteros / Fayelyn Bilodeau / Laurie Fortier / Joe Holt / Jason W. Horn / Josh Latzer / Heather Locklear / Pier Morgan / Max Napolitano / Morann Peri / Courtenay Taylor /
    Storyline:Open with Franklin and Bash backstage preparing for an appearance on Piers Morgan. It's their first time on camera as Infeld is delayed in London. They're appearing opposite high-powered attorney Rachel King to discuss a civil rights case related to public nudity. She ends up taking them to school and the two end up nude on set when they can't come up with case history to support their point.

    The guys find world famous magician August West waiting for them in their office. August has been charged with stealing a $500,000 diamond bracelet. August says it was actually twin brother Tim who stole the bracelet, but he doesn't want to admit publically that he has twin because it would expose the secret behind his most famous trick. August would rather go to jail than have Tim charged.

    Infeld introduces King to the guys as a new name partner. The firm will now be known as Infeld, Daniels & King.

    Pindar finds termites in his bed and calls the guys in a panic. He's already had the house tented, so nobody will be able to enter for 72 hours.

    Since Tim technically says "I'm going to make your bracelet disappear, is that okay with you?" they decide to argue the woman agreed to the theft.

    Karp tells King he's leaving the firm. They begin discussing his interest in being a judge and she references an unflattering video of him masturbating during sleep study that is floating out there in legal circles. She thinks he should leak it now, before he is a candidate for the bench and it won't hurt him as much.

    The guys motion to dismiss is denied when they are given a contract Tim had signed before his appearance agreeing to return all property.

    King tells the guys the reason they're defending August is because he's connected to a potentially bigger client, casino owner Terrance Allen. She tells them they are wasted potential. We learn King is an avid ballet dancer.

    King has a wall placed in the middle of the guys' office to split them up. Infeld isn't going to do anything to stop it, and gives the guys his favorite samurai sword. They notice he hasn't been the same since he returned from Africa.

    The guys make an afternoon stop at Tim's favorite watering hole. There is significant bad blood between him and August and he won't tell them exactly what his brother did.

    The guys ask Carmen to look into Tim's background. She trying to find Pindar a place to sleep and it isn't going well.

    King has stepped in and arranged a plea deal for August. They are to file the guilty plea in the morning. She instructs them not to speak with August at all and threatens to give a bad report to their parole board, something that could put them in jail because of the plane incident.

    Prior to a meeting with Carmen the guys wonder why King hasn't just fired them. Carmen says Tim was arrested in Nevada 20 years ago, just before the two started performing their big trick together.

    Karp tells the judge who has the tape that he'd like to leak it. She's clearly been getting quite a bit of enjoyment out of the video.

    The guys meet Tim at the bar and have Carmen bring August to the same bar, "coincidentally." We learn that the brothers are at odds because August has taken credit for Tim's life story, creating a rags-to-riches bio for himself. August apologizes and Tim asks what he can do at this point. The guys suggest Tim performs his magic in front of a jury.

    Pindar hasn't slept well in three days and decides he's going to go into the house a half day before it's scheduled for human occupancy.

    Karp is getting unneeded attention at the office from his video.

    Carmen goes for a run while Pindar start doing some cleaning.

    King offers to give Karp career counseling if he stays at the firm.

    Tim (pretending to be August) rips up his guilty plea before heading into court. He makes a point to lean into the accuser and apologize. The woman takes the stand and the guys make a point to mention how she could possibly know where her bracelet has been all this time. Bash asks her to check her wrist and we see that (gasp!) the bracelet is right there. Franklin and Bash's closing argument is basically that the bracelet being on the woman's wrist creates reasonable doubt. It works.

    We learn the casino owner is now a client. King still isn't happy with them and orders them to do a bunch of punitive busy work. Bash asks Infeld if he's okay and Infeld knocks him to the ground by touching a pressure point.

    August and Tim have made up and are now planning to perform together professionally as brothers. Bash gets a call at the bar. Pindar has burned down their house.
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