Index » Japan and Korean TV » Now Playing Japan and Korean TV Kalgwa Kkot / Knife and Flower / Sword and Flower / 칼과 꽃 / 검화 / 刀与花 / 剑与花 / 剑花
Japan Korean Kalgwa Kkot / Knife and Flower / Sword and Flower / 칼과 꽃 / 검화 / 刀与花 / 剑与花 / 剑花Video Download url:
剑与花[第01话$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21069/[迅雷下载]剑与花[第01话].rmvb
剑与花EP02$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21071/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP02.rmvb
剑与花EP03$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21083/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP03.rmvb
剑与花EP04$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21085/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP04.rmvb
剑与花EP05$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21097/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP05.rmvb
剑与花EP06$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21099/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP06.rmvb
剑与花EP07$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21111/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP07.rmvb
剑与花EP08$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21113/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP08.rmvb
剑与花EP09$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21124/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP09.rmvb
剑与花EP10$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21126/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP10.rmvb
剑与花EP11$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21138/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP11.rmvb
剑与花EP12$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21140/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP12.rmvb
剑与花EP13$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21152/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP13.rmvb
剑与花EP14$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21154/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP14.rmvb
剑与花EP15$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21165/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP15.rmvb
剑与花EP16$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21167/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP16.rmvb
剑与花EP17$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21179/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP17.rmvb
剑与花EP18$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21181/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP18.rmvb
剑与花EP19$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21191/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP19.rmvb
剑与花EP20$ftp://ds:[email protected]:21193/[迅雷下载]剑与花EP20.rmvb
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Story about《Kalgwa Kkot / Knife and Flower / Sword and Flower / 칼과 꽃 / 검화 / 刀与花 / 剑与花 / 剑花》
    2013 Year Japan and Korean TV < Kalgwa Kkot / Knife and Flower / Sword and Flower / 칼과 꽃 / 검화 / 刀与花 / 剑与花 / 剑花 >
    Director:Kim Yong-soo / Park Jin-seok /
    Stars:Kim Ok-bin / Uhm Tae-woong / Choi Min-soo / Kim Yeong-cheol / On Joo-wan / Lee Jung Shin /

    The historical drama takes place in the twilight years of Goguryeo. King Yeongnyu plots to kill military general Yeon Gaesomun, whose power and influence are rapidly overtaking the throne's. But Yeon Gaesomun discovers the plot and kills those involved, including the king, and becomes a military dictator. Yeongnyu's daughter, the princess vows to avenge her father's death, but she falls in love with her enemy's son. A tragic love story ensues, echoing the saying, "Flowers wither like love, only blades are eternal."

    A historical action drama set in the Goguryeo period. The daughter of King Young Ryu of Goguryeo, Moo Young falls in love with Yun Choong, son of Yun Gae So Moon who kills her father. Moo Young is torn apart between love and revenge.--

    I just finished the first episode. One thing is for sure: I was not impressed. Like... at all!!!
     The cast is great.
    The music is great (not goes with the historical settings, but hell, who cares - well, who cares if everything else is good... but it is not...)
     The pictures are beautiful.
     The start of the actual story is o.k...(I am not speaking of historical accuracy, I dont know the history behind the drama...) I have seen worse... But hell, everything that happened could have been put into 15 whole minutes, and it wouldn't have been fast paced!
     I was actually suffering... I was checking how much time left in every two minutes...
     All that staring into the camera. All that slow motion walking... The man on screen stood up... Oh, he is going somwhere! Yeah. He is staring, 10 second long full-face shot. He is starting to walk!!! Thank God! He is walking in slow motion. In front of beautiful scenery. Two minutes passed, he is still walking. He stops. Staring into camerea, 10 second full-face shot... Repeat... He arrives. He was going to meet someone. 10 second full-face shot of the other person, 10 seconds of his. Three sentences of conversation, with staring between them...
    I am not too anxious to watch the next episode to tell the truth... This was just all kinds of bad. Such a waste of of great actors, music, cinematography...

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