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Story about《La Ma Qiao Ba /辣妈俏爸(国语)》
    2013 Year Chinese TV < La Ma Qiao Ba /辣妈俏爸(国语) >
    Director: /
    Stars:Myolie Wu / Yu Bo / Ma Tianyu / Ng Man Tat / Ma Ling / Fang Qingzhuo / Xie Yuan / Jiang Kai / Andy Chen /

    The shocking heart peaceful and harmonious Wolong town of homicide, famous dishes. AI and his wife was the thief in the house robbery and died, leaving only ten years old son Ai Dingbao helpless, linger scavenging food market in Shangguan leopard, shangguanyan. Shangguan family is Lake bandits, within a few years, was renamed the "Dugu Zenan" Ai Dingbao learned on the official all criminal tricks, eighteen years old become Shangguan leopard's right-hand man, but he doesn't like, good nature of violence, more reluctant to exploit people, life, and Shangguan and concept gradually draw further apart. A crime, Ai Dingbao designed a "he was hiding in death" of the play, to practise deception, then get rid of the last emperor, fly far and high. With vague memory, traveled thousands of miles, hard to go back to his hometown - Wolong town. Because once walk on both sides of the Changjiang River north and south, taste food, Ai Dingbao to set the North-South cuisine essence reconstruction "Ai home kitchen" the past few years, finally let the house become stage a comeback, catering industry prestigious boutiques. 30 Ai Dingbao very cherish this quiet and comfortable life, and handed him the courtesy style, always enjoy it every day with the vegetable market in the dealing of uncle aunt, guys like a family-like treat, and from time to time to give the poor distribution of food, he hoped that this day will last forever. But get the opposite of what one wants, with the surrounding various natural calamities and man-made misfortunes, political chaos, the people are destitute., some do things stealthily, wicked bad guy, cheat, or even criminal groups have the stability and rich Wolong town to town, seriously disturbed the peace and order, in order to protect their homes "original ecology", Ai Dingbao once again to "Dugu Zenan" the identity, in his own way to punish crime · · · · ·

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