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Story about《The red fox / 红狐》
    2013 Year Chinese TV < The red fox / 红狐 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Liu Xiaofeng / Li Lin / Zhou Haodong / Xiao Rongsheng /

    Large scale women's action by our "red fox" tells the story of early 1945 due to special military needs, the New Fourth Army secret formed a 5 beauty agent team, execute our secret mission red fox action. This is a team full of charm of the team, was born in the south of Yangtze River bridges between them, in order to national interests they stepped in, ferial like daffodils like girls in cheongsam color skirt to hide the secret identity, unique identity change unpredictably, in the war experience they faded red, soft shadows from the Jiangnan beauty, growth into extraordinary tenderness, they steal the top secret information, destroy the bandit wins, posing as a latent launched a series of undercover and anti undercover special operations, to tremble with fear on hearing of the devil.

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