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Story about《RV / 休旅任务》
    2007 Year Comedy movie < RV / 休旅任务 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Robin Williams / Jeff Daniels / Will Alcatel Knight /

    workaholic father Bob (Robin · William Sri Lanka ) , is always to sacrifice and their families to enjoy their grandchildren 's time . And finally the family plans to go to Hawaii on vacation , good culture has long been estranged family feelings , but I never thought Bob's work situation occurs to him personally to attend a national conference is not , seeing the family reunion program also waiter ! The Bob Jizhongshengzhi scratch the scalp , decided not to tell the children the bad news . He rented mobile homes, recreational vehicles Taiwan looks weird , finally to convince the family to travel abroad trip from the tropics into a Colorado camping , of course, that birds do not lay eggs that Bob must meet location. Dragged the extreme reluctance of his wife, Jamie , 15 -year-old daughter , Cathy , and 12 - year-old son , Carl , a man bumps on the road . Can along the way , all the state of things to take full - never used such a sport utility tool , so the clown father running around in circles constantly absurd ; SUV car a comfortable life is accustomed to enjoy the the children complained again and again ; the way strange friends , a high- Malik will let the family into a ridiculous dilemma ! Whether the workaholic dad what can simultaneously save his family and the great cause of double high - difficult task ?

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