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Story about《Sniper Standoff / Sniper Attack / 神鎗狙擊 / 神枪狙击(粤语)》
    2013 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Sniper Standoff / Sniper Attack / 神鎗狙擊 / 神枪狙击(粤语) >
    Director: /
    Stars:Eddie Cheung / Michael Tse / Kate Tsui / Kathy Chow / Cen Lixiang / Chen Wei / Li Guolin / Zhang Zhiheng / Zhai Weilian /

    This is one of the 2013 radio program of drama, and it is also one of the wireless TV promotion of drama in the seventeenth session of Hongkong International Film &amp; tv. The flying tiger sniper elite two as brothers, because the values along the road is different between good and evil. On the way, the two person in the life of a woman. Challenge the fate. Justice marksman due to abide by the law, moral and conscience, law enforcement road hard and long; slant marksman for self and scheming, use unscrupulous divisive tactics and everywhere. Two people on the road to annihilate crime finally meet. The hero to mission at the expense of family, have the misunderstanding, even at the cost of life. Desperado is a gentle romantic, mysterious attraction. In the duel to the death between, in addition to the blood and violence, but also full of love and hate, laughter and tears. Hongkong is a safe city, behind all have a good police to maintain law and order. The flying tiger is the police force of the elite, and the sniper is elite gunslinger sniper 2013 elite, with a gun to tremble with fear on hearing of criminals. To become an excellent sniper to pay countless painstaking effort and sweat, training hard, advanced preparation unerring marksmanship, weapons and equipment, the one one is full of mysterious veil.

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