Index » Horror movie » Now Playing Horror movie Asami Mitsuhiko 26 kurenai no hito satsujin jiken / 浅见光彦系列26红蓝之女
Horror Asami Mitsuhiko 26 kurenai no hito satsujin jiken / 浅见光彦系列26红蓝之女Video Download url:
DVD$ftp://downd:[email protected]:2021/20130911A/浅见光彦系列26红蓝之女杀人事件dvd[hd480p].mp4
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Story about《Asami Mitsuhiko 26 kurenai no hito satsujin jiken / 浅见光彦系列26红蓝之女》
    2013 Year Horror movie < Asami Mitsuhiko 26 kurenai no hito satsujin jiken / 浅见光彦系列26红蓝之女 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Shunsuke Nakamura / Yôko Nogiwa / Takaaki Enoki /

    The melody of death will ring...... A moment of freedom, suffered decades of unrighted wrong, will burst out...... Revenge of the fire, people absolutely none crime. When the melody in the finger flow, killing is quietly approaching...... "To the child, to which children" -- is what kind of hatred, let originally warm nursery rhymes as commit innumerable murders death melody? New beauty pianist three rural issues of high-profile, on the way to the father with his birthday party, suddenly received a strange man asked, handed him a card that only reads "spend money" to the father...... Since then, my father was a dim, that is because of unknown...... Helpless issues turn to Asami Hikaruhiko for help, but with the close relatives and good friends around one after another fall, and buried in the mysterious past bad memory, will emerge......

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